Complete Control

Client: Complete ControlProduct: Roodie NoodiesLaunched: Ongoing

Project highlights

  • Cool cheeky and inventive characters
  • Eco-friendly: recycling, resourcefulness and respect
  • Short Form Series
  • Gaming and Online Fun

Roodie Noodies

Pull on your shorts, grab your boogie board and head on down to Belly Button Bay to ‘hang ten’ with the Roodie Noodies – the cutest, coolest and cheekiest crew of seaside characters you’re ever likely to meet!

The Roodie Noodies are little beach dwelling creatures that are perfectly adapted to life by the seashore. If you see a sandcastle, chances are there’s a Roodie Noodie burrowing around underneath it!

Roodie Noodies are by nature mischievous, inquisitive and inventive. They love to play games on the beach and ingeniously find ways of recycling the debris that is left behind by humans or washed up on the shore. Roodie Noodies don’t try to be eco-friendly they simply are eco-friendly – it’s in their genes!

They use lolly sticks as surf boards and they build kite buggies with old bits of towel, crab line and buttons. Their underground Sand Shack is stuffed full with all sorts of cool gadgets and gizmos that are fashioned out of beach flotsam and jetsam.

Another unique feature of the Roodies Noodies are their belly button tooters. These amusing, trumpet-like extensions of their belly buttons are their special way of expressing their emotions, getting each other’s attention or simply tooting a great tune!

Wouldn’t it be great to have your very own belly button tooter?!

Music plays a big part in the lives of the Roodie Noodies. They love to hang out at Belly Button Bay’s premiere music venue – The Rockin’ Rockpool – and ‘toot’ along to the biggest bands. They even have their own band which has been known to blast out a few numbers around the bay!

Roodie Noodies combines fun, sun and cheeky bums in a totally unique brand that’s sure to make a splash in the kids market!


Work with Us

  • Is Glynn wearing a t-shirt with a bicycle on it?

Get in touch


Complete Control (UK) Limited
Studio Vault
7 George Street
Bathwick, Bath


07968 703886


[email protected]


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